Friday, May 27, 2011

Cabin fever

     Not much has been going on here.  Cameron has been sick the last few days so I have been laying low with him.  We have caught up on the movies and shows we have wanted to watch, but I think we are both getting a little bit of cabin fever.  He tried to work today, but felt too crappy to work the full day.  He says he is starting to feel better though so hopefully he is on his way to being snot free.
     The latest good news is I got the job at T-Mobile.  I start June 6th with a week of training.  I am looking forward to putting my past job experience to good use and hopefully learn more to add to it.  I love working with technology and all the changes that happen in the industry in such a short time.  There is so much positive to this job I hope everything goes smoothly and I learn what I need to quickly.  I haven't not know what I was doing at a job in over 8 years.
     Here are some pictures I took the other day before Cameron started to feel really junky.  Enjoy!


  1. Nice photos lady! Miss you guys so much :-(

  2. Fun photos! Hope Cam feels better soon.

  3. Thanks guys! We miss you too Shani!!!! Wish that both of our moves moved us closer together instead of further away.
    And yes mom Cam is feeling better finally.
