Thursday, November 5, 2009


We know we haven't posted in awhile so we will roll all of our pumpkin outings into one posting. We carved pumpkins with Kevan and Krista at his parents house.

Then we carved pumpkins with Cameron's parents and sister Shalisa's family.

And last but not least we did a scavenger hunt at Missy and Troy's party. It was guys against girls (husbands vs. wives). Both teams found everything they were suppose to, but the husbands won because they got more points on a couple items we had to find. It was a lot of fun, even in the pouring rain. I wish I had pictures of the boys team. Cameron dressed up as a golfer.

We are gearing up for Christmas and visits from the higher ups in the company so we are a little stressed right now, but we are both staffed for Christmas now and working on making the most out of this season. We will both be heavily weighed in January on our performance over the Christmas season.