Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Parts and Pieces and Eagles

Cameron and I went on an adventure today on our day off.  We went to take pictures of the eagles in Arlington.  My beloved F100 broke after the third picture and Cameron's D100 baby broke too... well on its way out and was deciding when it wanted to take pictures.  It is a sad day in the Tondre house.  Mine we should be able to get a replacement part for it and hopefully all will be well, but Cameron's could be an expensive repair.  Here is a few pictures that Cameron was able to take.  Mine were film so I will post later this week.  Thankfully Cameron brought an extra film body so I was able to snap a few.

Cameron is doing well in his bowling league he is doing with our friend Troy every Tuesday night.  I start a 6 week pottery class on February 24th.  Thank you to Martha, Bill and Cameron for getting me the classes for my birthday. 

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