Monday, June 6, 2011

The hike to the cabin

     Last week Cameron and I went to his Uncle Galen's (about an hour from our place).  Cameron really wanted to go on this hike to a hunting cabin out in the middle of no where that Galen and few others know about.  Anyways we drive to the trail head.... actually there was no trail what-so-ever at any point in time so I will just say he drove until the logging road was blocked by a gate.  If you were to measure from point A to point B it would be been a half mile hike in one direction, but you don't just go point A to point B.  You have to go down, and up, and down, and up, and up, and down, and up, and around, and up, then you have to cross the river in a canoe, then lots more ups and downs and arounds....... then you are finally at the cabin (total of 3 miles).  It was pouring during our little adventure so we got nice and wet so thank goodness there was a stove at the cabin where we could have a fire and dry out.  We dried out, told stories and had some snacks for a couple hours then we made the trek back.  It barely rained on the way back which was nice.  It was an awesome hike minus the rain.  Here are a few friends we made on the way.